Becky Crabtree - Basketball Coach

Becky Crabtree at the Barrow Book Signing taken by Jay St. VincentBecky Crabtree was born in rural West Virginia and grew up during the 1960s, a time when girls were not always treated fairly anywhere, but to her, especially on the basketball court. In 1970, two years before Title IX gender equity legislation was enacted, Becky Hatcher Crabtree graduated from high school. The inequity of sport for girls, particularly on the basketball court, influenced the rest of her life and the opportunities she fights to offer her students.

An educator for the past 34 years, in West Virginia, Guam, and for the past sixteen school terms, on the North Slope of Alaska, Crabtree has coached for most of the last three decades. The game of basketball is as beloved to her as it is to the residents of the villages of Alaska.

She believes that the women of Alaska need their stories told and that basketball rocks. She has contributed articles to The Pacific Daily Mail and Alaska Newpapers.

Currently a coach, teacher, and principal, Becky lives in Atqasuk, Alaska. She and husband Roger have three daughters and two granddaughters.

You can email Becky about basketball.